Hide scrubber, playerbar, or large play button in video player

If you don't want your viewers to be able to use some of the video player controls you can hide them. This article will show you how to hide the scrubber, playerbar or large play button.

Follow the next steps if you like to hide the scrubber, the complete player bar (which contain the video player controls) or the large play button in a video player.

  1. Go to the studio tab and open, duplicate or create a video player
  2. On the left side open the plugin tab
  3. Click on UI Variables
  4.  Add one or both codes followed by false
    • To hide the scrubber:  scrubber.plugin
    • To hide the controls: controlBarContainer.plugin
    • To hide the large play button: largePlayBtn.plugin
    • To hide the loading spinner: loadingSpinner.plugin
  1. Save your video player

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